The leading industry association for Social Compliance Auditing

APSCA (Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors) is an industry association, whose members represent a substantial majority of the Social Compliance audit industry. Our mission is to enhance the professionalism, consistency and credibility of the individuals and organizations performing independent social compliance audits.

4470+ Members

53 Firms

96 Countries

95+ Languages

Independent social compliance auditing continues to shift to the forefront of corporate social responsibility ‘CSR’.

Now estimated to exceed a value of USD300M, the social compliance industry is growing as consumers develop greater supply-chain awareness through peak global connectivity. As the leading industry association.

APSCA exist to enhance the professionalism, consistency and credibility of the individuals and organizations performing independent social compliance audits.

Our Values and Mission Statement

Our Values
Read about our vision
Our Mission
Read about our mission
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Our Values

Our vision is to see Member Firms & Certified Social Compliance Auditors (CSCA) as the Trusted professionals in Social Compliance Auditing.

We want to improve social compliance audit quality through alignment, engagement, and professionalism.


Our Mission

We want to improve social compliance audit quality through alignment, engagement, and professionalism.

Join the growing organizations who are supporting APSCA in enhancement of the professionalism and credibility of independent social compliance audits.

Become a member of APSCA today

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